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Oh herro, this is my new blog! Since it seems I've started a new point in my life, I figured I might as well try and chronicle it.

Monday, February 23, 2009
What a downer.

Man. It really sucks that Charlie, Eric and Wes aren't here. I wonder where they'd be today. Like, it's unfathomable to imagine them being 21-22 but sometimes I can just see them in people around me, if that makes sense.

On 11 May 2005 I wrote "my friend of 7 years died monday. my other friend got in a car wreck today and is busted up pretty badly. the anniversary of the car crash that took two of my best friends is this weekend."

I think that the post that's from was the last real post I made to LJ. I've been under the assumption that you have a different blog for the different stages of your life (at least I do) and Wes' death kind of just ended that stage for me. Going back even further to 17 May 2004, I can't even read the posts, but I'm so glad they're there. Scanning it real quickly, I remember how Trystan punched a hole in the wall, overcome with grief. Simple things like remembering how Charlie's blue jacket hung on the edge of the casket or playing/hearing Ashokan Farewell just kind of stop time and bring me back to a point in life that I've tried to push away. Honestly though, I still think about those guys near-daily and how it's a shame that three young lives with so much potential had to die.

*Ahem* So. Otherwise life is good. Unfortunately my internship requires me to take 3 more classes (2 MIS, 1 MGT) so I'll be graduating in May 2010 instead of Dec 2009. I don't mind too much though because I kinda thought it'd be a gip to not get to have a big Spring graduation. Work itself is pretty good... I've made a good friend in Mr. Nockels, and am hoping J and I can double with Cale and his wife sometime soon. Katie's wedding is quickly arriving... bachelorette party this friday. I'm sure the combined shenanagins will give me an excuse to post. Oh! and I got a wireless mic for guitar hero world tour but I've had a headache all day and haven't tried it out yet. I'm going to make some pancakes and hook it up. woot. By the way...

John Vermeulen, come back to Oklahoma. I will make you peanut butter-oreo milkshakes if you do.

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