Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Horray! Palatial Regalia!
So yesterday was fantastic. Really, really great! I worked on a couple projects in the morning, hanging out with Sir Charles Leroy III and my little Canella. I made some yummy tomato bisque and grilled cheese (haven't had that in years!) and sat down to watch the nasty hoochies on Rock of Love Charm School. So it's about 1:45 and the girls are wasted and screaming/spitting at each other and just being themselves when my phone rings. I look at the number, and there's no name attached to it. o_O could it be? I put on my professional voice and picked it up. Sure enough! It's Lucas from Tinker!!! We chat about the game and how awesome it was to smash Texas Tech and then he says it... "we'd like to give you a formal job offer... you got the position"! So that's awesome... I got the internship! After we finished talking I jumped around screaming, calling J and my parents to no avail. The doggies were going nuts too and when my mom called me back about 10 minutes later she was just as excited! I'm so glad I found out now, I really didn't want to have to wait until around Christmastime, which is when he said they would let me know... so I got to find out a month earlier than I thought I would! So I went to my meeting, got things sit'chiated and headed back home, where a mysteeeeeeeeerious package was on my doorstep! I hadn't ordered anything in a while, so I wasn't expecting anything... it turned out to be a care package from Chesapeake! They were congratulating me on being chosen as a Chesapeake Scholar and gave me a bunch of swag and a really sweet letter... it was so nice for them to do that on top of giving me a scholarship! So then bb J got off of work and took me to our favourite place, Himalayas, to celebrate. mmm... nothin' like a big ol' plate of Indian food! We went back to his place and I wrote a paper while he tried to be quiet then talked to my mommy some more about how excited we are then we watched the season finale of True Blood! EEE! It was exciting! It's a shame that Rene was the killer, he reminded me sooo much of Jean! It was a good episode though, next season should be cuh-razy! I ended the night putting together slides, but that's alright... when today's over it'll be thanksgiving break and I'm eat yams and empanadas then head up to Tulsa and visit with J and his family... oh, and write another paper and try and learn Chinese tongue twisters. :/ Such is life! So! In summary, I'm going to have an amazing federal internship that is absolutely everything that I want and I am ECSTATIC about it! I'm gonna go get a wii now! |